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Same-Day Dentistry: Cerec

Immediate Crowns, We Can Help

Single Visit, 2 Hour Appointments

Digital Impressions, Design, and Milling Onsite

At Dressler Family Dental we take pride in providing comfortable and convenient treatment options with the latest digital technology.  

After Dr. Dressler completes your exam, a crown may be recommended for teeth that are broken, cracked, decayed, or have undergone root canal treatment.  A crown, sometimes called a cap, is a covering that replaces the enamel of your tooth.  Crowns are also useful for cosmetic reasons such as discolored or misshapen teeth if you want to improve your smile. 

 At Dressler Family Dental, we utilize a completely digital workflow and the latest technology. Dr. Dressler uses our CEREC digital scanning technology and custom milling unit right in our office to create a custom crown for you.  

We can design, mill, and finish a porcelain or zirconia crown that matches your smile and fits your bite seamlessly.  The materials we use are highly durable.  The crown is bonded to your tooth, and you’ll be smiling again immediately!  A perfect fit in just one appointment.


CEREC stands for “Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics”.  CEREC crowns are made using computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies, helping us to create precise and customized dental restorations quickly.

The process of creating and placing a CEREC crown begins with preparing the tooth including removing any decayed or damaged areas.  Next, we use a camera to take a digital impression of your mouth.  A replica of your mouth appears on the screen in real time, and is then converted into a 3D model on the computer.  Dr. Dressler uses software to design the restoration needed. Whether it’s a crown, onlay, bridge, or veneer, the restoration is carefully and thoughtfully designed to fit your mouth precisely and look natural.  Once the design is finalized, we send the information to our in-office milling unit.  The milling unit carves down a block of porcelain or zirconia to create the restoration.  This process takes only a few minutes; then we will try the tooth in your mouth to make sure the fit is ideal.  We will put the crown in our specialized oven to make the material strong, tooth colored, and glossy like your natural teeth. Finally, we bond the restoration to your prepared tooth and double check that your teeth fit together appropriately and comfortably when biting. You’ll be smiling again immediately- a perfect fit in just one appointment!

There are many advantages of CEREC crowns over traditional crowns.  Things our patients rave about include: not having to take a goopy impression with a tray in their mouth, not having a temporary crown and needing to come back for the final crown weeks later, and they love how fast they can achieve the final result.   For dentists, we love the accuracy and custom color and fit we can achieve for each patient, the durability of the crowns, and the comfortability of the patients and how happy they are with the final result!

In Summary

We look forward to making your smile shine.

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